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A new webpage emerges

It's been 2 weeks...

...since the first and actual revamp of the 2023 website. I felt glad to have been able to accomplish such feat without using chatbots (derogatory).

If you've seen the Web Development history, you'll see the absolute state of my burnout, but I'm glad my web design course has brought back the website i envisioned.

The bonus point of it being ZeroRanger-themed, which was my absolute favorite shoot-em-up games ever made.

Because I've got nothing else to say besides posting the full website update, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who have seen and given out suggestions for me to improve my website even further. I promise to post these often, and maybe implement more features, and maybe fix some obnoxious features that took a me my entire life to fix.

History of this website (so far)
  • 6/10/2024: Added homepage, about me, design history, css
  • 7/10/2024: Added website logo, clickable history, image hover opacity change, moon phase UI, navlink ads. Added time via js, hotlinks, unfortunately webringclub runs out of websites to put on
  • 10/10/2024: Revamped the website, with proper div placement. Added local clock, world clock, articles, rainbow texts
  • 11/10/2024: More hotlink, transition property is fun!! Added overflow: scroll; to the left bar, and added a z-index so it overlaps the right bar in mobile devices
  • 17/10/2024: Added Blog page, made the first blog (this one!), and a "hard to code" taskbar with only one button.
copyright CC BY-SA 4.0 adamngshrine